MARCH 21-22

Teens will enjoy biblical teaching sessions, indoor and outdoor activities, and great food. We hope you’ll join us!


Please register by March 19


Register Now



  • Cost: $40/teen. Sponsors and youth leaders are $10. Payment will be collected at the door when you arrive. Cash or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to Faith Baptist Church
  • All individuals planning to attend must register – adults and youth leaders included. You will be able to indicate whether you are an adult on the registration form.
  • Check-In will begin on Friday at 4:00pm. Come to the foyer at the South entrance. Kickoff will begin at 5:00pm in the auditorium, followed by supper at 5:30pm.
  • We will be done by 1:00pm on Saturday.
  • Youth leaders, sponsors, and other adults – you are responsible for your teenager while they are at this event. If your church requires a permission slip or a waiver, it is your responsibility to manage those. Teens without an adult with them will need to indicate that on the form, or by contacting Pastor Dan so we can ensure that each teenager is properly cared for.



Our activities are fun, but the focus of Funtastic is the life changing truth of God’s Word


Dr. Rand Hummel

Rand Hummel has given his life to be a friend of teens. His unique, humorous approach to the Word of God has been an encouragement to teens. He loves God, the Word of God, and teenagers. His goal is to help teens and parents to hate sin and love God more. Other than this, he’s just an overall nice guy.
  • Served with The Wilds Christian Camp & Conference Centers since 2008
  • Honorary Doctorate in 2002 from Bob Jones University
  • Ordained into the gospel ministry 1982
  • Hosts “DAILY MEDITATIONS” for teens and teens with wrinkles
  • Authored many Bible helps and devotional commentaries
  • Wife and best friend: Amber
  • Two grown children and three intelligent, beautiful grandchildren


First Baptist Church

7398 Fairview Rd N

Baxter, MN 56425





  • $40 payment- cash or check made payable to “Faith Baptist Church.” Youth Pastors and sponsors pay $10.
  • Extra cash if you would like to purchase food at the waterpark.
  • Bible, pen, notebook.
  • Gym clothes and gym shoes
  • Warm clothes for outdoor activities: coat, gloves, hat, running shoes
  • Swimwear for waterpark. Modesty is our policy. Shorts should be modest and loose fitting. No bikini style swimwear please.
  • Toiletries
  • Change of clothes
  • Sleeping bag and pillow. Sleeping pad or mattress is also helpful.
  • If you have specific food allergies we cannot guarantee that there will be food options specific to your diet so please plan ahead. You are welcome to bring your own food if needed. There will be a refrigerator and microwave available for such cases.



If you have any further questions you can contact Pastor Dan directly.